The exhibit features some interactive stations where you can build your own droid, levitate a small cart using magnets, and float on air. However, my favorite part of it all was the props and costumes from the actual movies. They have scale models of the X-Wing, Y-Wing, the Millennium Falcon, and many others.

Its amazing to think that these are the exact models flying across the screen from the earlier movies, long before computer graphics were popular. They had to make the ships with an incredible amount of detail because they put the camera real close to give the illusion of size. I could stare at these for hours!

In addition to the small scale models, there was also the Landspeeder that Luke Skywalker rode in. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to hop in and take a picture inside it.

Apart from the parking fee and the general admission price, the Star Wars exhibit requires an additional ticket, but it’s still worth seeing. I would suggest arriving earlier in the day so that you can experience the rest of what the Science Center has to offer then take your journey into a galaxy far, far away! 🙂

Until next time…and may the Force be with you! ( Sorry I couldn’t resist )

Tommy Wan Kenobi

The Discovery Science Center is just five miles south of the HoJo! A quick cab ride or these directions will get you there within about 5 minutes. Exhibit runs now through April 15, 2012.

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Posted Under: Innside Scoop, In The Spotlight